To those who do not understand what retinal art is? Here is the definition according to Marcel Duchamp- The term retinal art also refers to modern art pertaining to geometric designs that create a sense of movement or optical illusions. It is also termed as Optical Art movement or Op-Art. […]
Read MoreSteel
Artist work on extremism and its value behind it.
Work in extremism is something more of a surrealist reflection of the real world around it but there is only one thing which an artist needs to understand is that they have to look both on the microscopic and macroscopic level at the same time to convey the extremism of […]
Read MoreArt in the Form of Representation and Interpretation.
We love, admire, and appreciate those artworks that are life-like. Works those looks like life-like are known to be a masterpiece. They are worked by the artists who are having some powerful hand in their fields. These works are completely fine. There is nothing wrong with representing a scene from […]
Read Moreजो मालिक हो ….
जहां हम गुलाम बनाऐ जाते है वहां तो व्यक्तितव मरता है —– किशन अर्जुन से कह रहे है की जो मै कहता हूँ वो मत बन, समझ और बह——अगर क़ोई आदमी अपने ही हाथों समर्पित हो गया हैइस जगत के प्रति, इस विशव यात्रा में वो ही मालिक है ।क्योकी […]
Read MoreThinking big
All the work that I have created has lead to the formation of energy in my own self. I would like to think that some of this energy has become imprisoned in my work so that other people can feel it. All the artist that I admire – Rubens, Michelangelo, […]
Read MoreArt from a Keyhole
To keep it straight and simple, I must tell a short story about curiosity. This is a fiction cum reality where every child watches through the keyholes of doors. A closed-door ignites more curiosity in a child’s mind than an open one. It is a completely normal phenomenon for the […]
Read MoreForms of Kalra painting
Before starting a painting he takes note of all the details that he has to draw, he clearly says that it is really difficult for him to explain to people what was going on in his mind while making those paintings, and even if he does, it will be difficult […]
Read MoreArt and Its Influence on People
If we look at the influences of art, we see that art influences society by changing opinions, adding values, and transiting the whole experience of a targeted society. Even some researchers claim that art is helping the person to understand the self or in other words it helping them in […]
Read MoreThe Arousal in the Art
The company of a muse and an artist is no exception. This is something discussed in the meantime but does that make it compulsory for the artist to have a muse? Well, there can be a need from the person to person but it would be a little too much […]
Read Moreसभी शिव all shiva
रात्रि काल में परिवार के साथ प्रसन्न होना| एकता में शक्ति है| और यदि तुम घर के बड़े सदस्य हो, तब तो ख़ासा ख़याल रखना की तुम्हारे अच्छे हाव भाव से ही तुम्हारे आश्रित ऊर्जा लेकर स्वस्थ और सुखी रहेंगे| शाम को घर में प्रवेश कर ऐसा तो नहीं की […]
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