
The transition from west to east (Jamini Roy)

Jamini’s earlier works did not only comprise of commissioned portraits but of Howler monkeys also. According to the sources, while searching for the inspiration he tried to work upon the animals in his art, while the howler monkey got the special treatment not due to some kind of Easter egg […]

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Feeling depressed? Try art.

Introduction We are human beings and we feel ups and downs in our life, it is a completely normal phenomenon. The most important thing to focus on is- how can we tackle this? We all have families, friends, professional life, personal life, and a lot more. It is unbeatable to […]

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Souza’s contemporary touch

Some of the great painters of the last century applied a very random and violent structural theme, where they have pronounced the undertaking feelings or the social structure while considering their own style of works. When they were created and exhibited audience was disgusted while critics were confused but there […]

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The Lonely Man- Primitivism and Simplicity

Contemporary art is retouching the elements of folk art styles from different directions. It indeed looks like moving backward in time. You may call it whatever you want, call it modern, minimalist, simple, primal but the facts will remain the same the definition of modernism is about moving more towards […]

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Join The Movement

नमस्ते, मेरा नाम विकाश कालरा मैं एक आर्टिस्ट हूँ, पेंटिंग बनाता हूँ और कुछ लिखता हूँ।  आज आप से कुछ ऐसा शेयर करना चाहता हूँ जो बहुत जरुरी है हमारी सेहत के लिए।  दिल्ली दुनिया की सबसे ज्यादा प्रदूषित शहर है , यहाँ का प्रदुषण 250 से 500 + हमेशा […]

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