#donatewithvikash #artforwellfare #vikashkalra #narendramodi #covid19 #CORONAVIRUS #Indiafightscoronavirus Artist Vikash Kalra donating paintings to Prime Minister’s relief fund for fight against COVID-19 Vikash Kalra & Kiran Kalra While I’m blessed enough to be living with my loved and closed ones where I am at right now, in the comfort on my […]
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Q-1 – Vikash, what are the meanings of work in the world of painting? Painting is nothing but research and experiment for me. Took a brush in hand and the painting was done on canvas, it does not happen, man… Emotions have to be gathered before painting, and they come […]
Read MoreMotion in the stories of paintings.
Mr. Kalra says that he sees a story, a fiction in his paintings, and whose story changes day by day, and the painting moves with him, and he keeps on adding the details to it. The character’s emotions are important aspects of any kind of painting. Even if it is […]
Read MoreUnderstanding the perspective of art
The glass shattered on the ground, small pieces are here and there. It is a sigh of relief that the artwork is still safe. This is completely normal at the first sight but at the next moment, I realized that maybe painting was getting too frustrated in that glass jail. […]
Read MoreThe Color Combination and the Light in Art
Light is split into seven colors; indeed they are systematic and naturally distributed. If we look over the rainbow, we are introduced to a system of work where nature itself gave the proof of lighting and darkness at every corner of the earth. It is so simple yet complex, these […]
Read Moreजनून ही कला की आत्मा है .
“कला वह झूठ है जो हमें सच्चाई का एहसास कराने में सक्षम है” यह पाब्लो पिकासो का एक कथन है। यह कथन अपने समय में, मेरे समय में सच था और शायद अनंत काल के लिए सच होगा। जब बच्चा पेंसिल पकड़ता है और कुछ लिखने की कोशिश करता है […]
Read MoreI like to make a large canvas.
मुझको बड़े कैनवस बनाना अच्छा लगता है। उसके लिए मेरे को पहले से बहुत तैयारियां करनी पड़ती हैं बहुत सारी ड्रॉइंग्स करनी पड़ती,एक बड़ी पेंटिंग बनाना ऐसा होता है जैसे कोई बहुत बड़ा म्यूज़िक लिखा जा रहा हूँ बहुत बड़ा साहित्य बना रहा हूँ उसमें बहुत सारी टेक्निकल प्रॉब्लम साइज़ […]
Read MoreWhy do I daily push myself harder?
मैंने तीन किताबें पढ़ी हैं उनके टाइटल मुझे बहुत पसंद है, 1. Execution 2. Built to Last 3. Good to Great| जिंदगी में Success का भी यही फार्मूला है| हमारे दिमाग में जो Idea है उसको Execute करें, यह बहुत important काम है और इसके लिए source और सोच इकट्ठे […]
Read MoreWhy I daily push myself harder?
I have read three books and I like the titles, (1. Execution 2. Built to Last 3. Good to Great). This is also a formula for success in life. Execute what Idea has in your mind; it is a very important job and it needs to gather resources and […]
Read MoreWhy I daily push myself harder? (text in hindi)
मैंने तीन किताबें पढ़ी हैं उनके टाइटल मुझे बहुत पसंद है, 1. Execution 2. Built to Last 3. Good to Great| जिंदगी में Success का भी यही फार्मूला है| हमारे दिमाग में जो Idea है उसको Execute करें, यह बहुत important काम है और इसके लिए source और सोच इकट्ठे […]
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