Zen is a meditation technique that involves attention towards the inner self where the mind doesn’t have to think about anything. While it is believed that it could be a part of our everyday life. This painting was created completely during the Zen mindset.

Zen applies to nothingness- to be precise it is a thoughtless point where there is no inception of any thought. It is the point where your mind doesn’t react to any images or thoughts. This process is about observation without any reaction. You have to lose your judgments to get that point.
The painting depicts the same. It offers a meditative zone in our mind where we get to the thoughtless position. The color choice of black and white is simplest in all the way while carrying a deep sense of yin and yang philosophy.
There is a story of old times when there was a practicing Zen monk who went to a great Zen Montessori and asked for validation whether he became a true Zen monk or not. The Master of the Montessori told him to stay in a 5 by 8 feet room. He has to not talk to anyone for the 3 months while living there in his room.
Time passed and three months were completed. Practicing Zen monk was called by the master to enquire.
Master asked- Was everything good for the last three months?
Practicing Zen monk replied- Yes, absolutely. Everything was fine for the last three months but the window is wide open which leads to the pigeons pooping inside the room. If there will be some net around the window, it will be helpful.
Master replied- Ok. After we will install a net on the window; you will have to spend another two months in the same room.
Practicing Zen monk- Agree.
When zen monk got out after spending 2 more months in the same room. Master invited him and asked him again about his experience and needs.
The practicing monk replied- Everything was perfect but if we move a flower pot from the room then I will get two extra steps to walk while spending my time in the room.
Master Replied- The flower pot will be removed. But you have to spend 2 more months alone in that room.
Zen monk asked- Why do I have to spend more months in the room even after I have lived there peacefully and came out without any stress.
Master replied- You came out without any stress but there was always some complaint about something that means there is something in your mind which is disturbing you from one way or another. When that thing disturbing you, will finish, you will become a true Zen monk.
This is the same story for our everyday life. Isn’t it always something lacking behind? Isn’t it something we are always wishing for? Think!
This painting is the symbol of the same scene, it reminds you to not complain, overwhelm, and stress out on anything. Your mind is playing a trick and you are acting like a Monkey. Become Monk not Monkey. A simple but effective painting is offering a message for all and every generation of people.

Vikash Kalra is a self-taught artist and writer based in New Delhi whose work has been exhibited across India and is held in several private and corporate collections.