I have read three books and I like the titles, (1. Execution 2. Built to Last 3. Good to Great). This is also a formula for success in life. Execute what Idea has in your mind; it is a very important job and it needs to gather resources and thinking. Then we need time, patience, and risk; we have to push them in our thinking, only then we can excel well. The biggest requirement is to push ourselves because we do not know the next stage. You have to think as far as your thinking is go does your hands reach at that limit. This journey is very long; you can say it is infinite.
After all these things, the colour compositions of own emotions and painting have to be compared so that the painting balance finally get concluded. These are the daily executions, at every level we have to push ourselves to the next level. We cannot stop at any particular level; we will have to try to move to the next level.
That’s the formula for ‘built to last’. If we push ourselves constantly, then whatever we do will remain alive after us. We still see the paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci, and they are prove that the painters constantly push themselves to reach such level. If we also push ourselves constantly, then we too will reach at that level. And if this happens then our paintings will also be immortalized for thousands of years.
There is a lot of push in Execute, push will help us to reach at ‘Built to Last’, and we should never be satisfied in our professional life. The value of the ‘built to last’ comes from the push – the more the push will be, the value of the last will increase. If today we push ourselves out of our comfort zone, then we will be known for thousands of years from now. We should not stay in this illusion that we will be remembering in the future if we are commercially successful. Being successful and taking your work up to the built to last are two different things, you may be commercially successful enough, but if you do not have the intensity of Vincent Van Gogh then you will not able to take your work to the built to the last. Can you?
If we talk about the ‘good to great’ then it also achieve by pushing yourself. It can be that your works will get remembered thousands of years from now but if there is not the presence of greatness then these all things will turn into dust. We should focus on the highest quality of our works so that our works can become great and if our works will become great then we shall also become great; our name will be get written in the pages of history.

Vikash Kalra is a self-taught artist and writer based in New Delhi whose work has been exhibited across India and is held in several private and corporate collections.