Before starting a painting he takes note of all the details that he has to draw, he clearly says that it is really difficult for him to explain to people what was going on in his mind while making those paintings, and even if he does, it will be difficult for a layman to understand it and make any sense from it. So, he chooses not to talk about it and defines another thing as to connect with those paintings.

Landscapes, mountains, and clouds
Mr. Kalra’s work is of several categories; Landscapes: Mr. Kalra uses to paint a lot of landscapes and many other things according to his choice. But he tells that the landscape experience is really special to him, and he loves space in his work. He keenly observes landscapes, the trees, the spaces in between the trees, the leaves, the stems, and the spaces between the leaves and the stem, and the spaces between the leaves and the clouds, the spaces between the mountains, which is not visible to us. He also puts his emphasis on the space above the clouds, which consists of different feelings. He watches the space above the water and observes all of them with great patience.
Heads and their soulful eyes
He says that he is saddened by the sorrows of those people and rejoices in their joy. He describes our existence as very limited and it is natural for all of us to need something outside our daily schedule, daily routine to keep a balance. So, for Mr. Kalra, to go outside of his daily schedule he chooses to extend himself to other people’s lives and try his best to understand the pain and happiness through which they are going and lose himself in their world. And this story, this part which he spends in other people’s life, comes out in form of a poem, which he describes to people.
Mythologies humanization
Mr. Kalra has an interest in reading mythologies which add an extra layer to his works. There are many heads and paintings made by him which are clearly depicting Lord Shiva and other gods in the human form with sorrow and happiness in these picture’s eyes. They have a look that tears through the human character and enters them with a beam of light. His works on Christ are more of the depictions of humanity in the quarrel world than a person who is preaching. He has mastery over the Christ paintings and he fills the gap of humanity and god through his paintings of gods.
Diversity in nudes
Mr. Kalra one of the famous female nude paintings is “Nude with Parrot”. His works in nudes are the surreal depiction of erotic thoughts and natural feelings. Most of his works in nudes are indeed erotic but not filthy. They are more divine in nature which indeed doesn’t include any kind of religious symbols in them. These arts are divine in a way that they act as a soothing emotion than nudity which acts as an only erotic way.
We can watch some very interesting combinations of human feelings in his nude works. They openly depict a fusion of two entities. There are many other things that it depicts that include connection and love in its pure form.
Exploration of humans with animal body
Kalra works with the combination of human and animal forms include the depiction of personalities. It is something that pays homage to his humanity through the eyes of innocents animals. As a nature-loving person, he makes a lot of connections between humans, animals, and his works. And this was the reason, which led him to explore human faces with the animal body as a field that could really well capture the emotions that were very intensely felt by the human beings.
When we dive deep down into Kalra’s works, we see the collection of emotions and thoughts in a single entity without any difference. You can find the good reason to explore his work only if you have respect for the nonlinear form of work.
There are many different kinds of works that he depicts in his paintings and sculptures where a common man confuses but feels the connection. This is an art of a kind that doesn’t follow any rulebook to depict emotions and exploration of human and divine bodies.
Some of his works are indeed very rational and there are some very irrational works. You can identify them according to your understanding but if you feel them and flow with them as poetry then you get a good experience of something so beautiful to enlighten you.

Vikash Kalra is a self-taught artist and writer based in New Delhi whose work has been exhibited across India and is held in several private and corporate collections.