A warm and misty brush stroke finished the painting. Painting is speaking more about the thoughts or emotions but at the same time, it is completely practical with the 21st-century boldness. With small details and great big pictures, greedy lines, and mixing colors all of these making some vivid artistic work. There are some of the most astonishing characteristics of Vikash Paintings.
A complete compilation of colorful modern art and artistic impression that go through the mind and veins of viewers. There you get to see a whole new collection of artworks consisting, dogs, serpent frogs, fox, etc. All these animals are representing something inside us. They are collectively catching our feelings and understanding of society. They are indirectly closing the open heart in the slightest way possible while at the same time opening the mind of the viewer.
Connected with reality in a very subtle way
An amalgam of colors mixed with canvas on the easel with added dimension by the artist Vikash Kalra explores a thought inside our brain. Even slightest of colors are added with high precision, it feels like a chef is cutting some vegetable with a sharp knife in his expert hand. Rough color patches over canvas add a dimension in the painting. Painting is complete imagination but they are connected with reality in a very subtle way. It is indeed the decades of experience that is adding such precision and value to an artwork.

An artwork that is inspiring to imagine
Artwork is nothing without the audience, when an artist creates art; it is a process of giving one imagination a physical form. But it is the understanding of viewers that creates that aura on that physical art where an artist’s imagination gets shape. If there is no viewer, the artwork is just a physical entity without any meaning. It is the viewer’s eyes that give shape and meaning to the artist’s work. It is their understanding and imagination which give the art a true meaning in their world. There is almost all the probability that the audience understands the art according to their own belief and understanding. So, it becomes the duty of an artist to create artworks that inspire the audience to imagine and think.
Connections leading to understanding
You can understand the meaning of modern art in the deeper sense by comparing it with meditation. When we see someone meditating we find that they are indulged in some deep mental state of fulfillment where they do not care about the outcome of their activity but doing it. While we are as an observer watch without any connection and it seems to the very illogical state of work unless we understand the same feeling. This theory can be concluded by assuming a football fan who doesn’t know anything about cricket is watching cricket. Does the viewer feel the same deep state of connection as amid cricket fan? Maybe not. It is the perspective and people’s correlation with the activity which indulge them into a deep state of mind where they understand the basic rule of the universe. It is not about understanding something very completely but connecting with it. Whereas, understanding may not establish connections but connections definitely lead to understanding. Our modern art is based on the same principle.
There are thousands of kinds of paintings and each is a thousand stories to each viewer. A symbol of serpent or serpent itself can generate different meanings for the different people while it can be a good sign for the one to the bad sign for another.

Vikash Kalra is a self-taught artist and writer based in New Delhi whose work has been exhibited across India and is held in several private and corporate collections.